Continuing the work


We have advocated and lobbied on the ground with State Advocates in Georgia and Minnesota.

Letters of support in 2023  for Clean bills in Georgia, Minnesota, Virginia, Florida, South Dakota and Texas.

(South Dakota’s was signed into law Spring 2023, Minnesota was signed into law June 2023.   Texas was blocked in the senate so will return at a later point. Georgia  was carried over to 2024. It was passed through senate and yet did not get heard on the house floor. It will be reintroduced in the future as welL as bills in Florida  & Virginia.

Letter of opposition in 2023 because these bills had discriminatory amendments which are not in the best interest of the adult adopted person in West Virginia, Mississippi and California.

Late Fall 2023 & Spring 2024, we have submitted letters of support to Michigan Legislators for HB 4158 and HB 4159. Those bills were pulled and will be reintroduced.


South Dakota restores rights!


Act 470 Spring Celebration and Legislative Luncheon